Saturday, January 28, 2006

Oklahoma City Hornets

George Shinn says the New Orleans Hornets should remain in Oklahoma City next season.
Here's a thought, George, why don't you keep them there.
You've already pulled up behind Tom Benson at the state trough for your handout. Now when trouble comes you want to bail out on the city and the state.
News flash: You're the Hornets. You're not the Saints. Heck, you're not even Tulane. And don't even think about putting yourself in the same breath with LSU on a statewide appeal basis.
So if you want to go George, pack up the van. You're pretty familiar with that having left Charlotte.
And here's a prediction: You'll be leaving OKC in a few years because that market isn't any better than the one you're leaving. When the novelty wears off, you'll be cranking up the moving van again.


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